July 6, 2019
Hello Fellow Rock Creek Residents.
It has been some time since we have posted an update and now it seems a good time for us to check in to let you know some of the things that The Friends of Rock Creek (FORC) have been working on.
Although we have been quiet for some time we are definitely still here with our primary mission to protect the livability that we have all come to enjoy in our neighborhood.
With so much attention being given to the lack of affordable housing and to increasing infill, we want to remain alert for any renewed efforts to remove the open space designation from the Rock Creek Country Club which would be the first step in attempting to develop the property. That is the issue that caused our Rock Creek neighbors to organize in opposition in the summer of 2008. We are in contact with the various departments in Washington County government that would be involved in any effort to remove the open space designation and will “sound the alarm” should there be any activity in that area.
We also are listening for any talk regarding the annexation of parts of Rock Creek into either Hillsboro or Beaverton. We are concerned as to how that could impact zoning, property taxes, public safety, and other livability issues for our Rock Creek neighborhoods.
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In June, we checked into proposed county ordinance #853 that addresses open space requirements for “Planned Developments” to determine what if any impact it could have on Rock Creek. In addition to attending meetings of the county planning commission & the county board as they considered the ordinance, we asked a land use attorney to look into it and, all things considered, we have determined that there will be no impact on Rock Creek.
If there are any concerning issues that arise in the future, we will provide an update here. If you have any questions, you can email a FORC board member and you will get a response.
The Friends of Rock Creek