
Annexation ?

Our charter states that the Friends Of Rock Creek, Inc. is organized as a nonprofit community organization devoted primarily to preserving the community’s traditions, land use, zoning, and open space designations by representing it before local legislature and administrative agencies that have authority over such matters. The goal of the corporation is maintain and enhance the quality of life in the Rock Creek Community. In the pursuit of our charter, Friends Of Rock Creek has been actively involved in issues that affect the greater Rock Creek community such as annexation.
Annexation is probably in our future!
The area north of Highway 26 between the Washington County line and Cornelius Pass Road is being eyed by Beaverton and Hillsboro for annexation. There are approximately 65,000 people living in this area and both cities would like to add us to the tax rolls. There many unanswered questions about what additional services we would get in exchange for our tax dollars, and if we would have a position on either city council. We could effectively have taxation without representation.
Whether you support joining Hillsboro, Beaverton, or forming a new city, that decision should be based on facts.
One thing is certain: We are not going to be allowed to continue as an unincorporated area of Washington County forever, and by staying informed we can control our own destiny.
FORC will keep you informed of developments along the way, so stay connected to the Friends Of Rock Creek website and watch your email!

Amber Glen Traffic Problem for Hillsboro – March 30, 2010

Hillsboro has a problem: There is more traffic leaving Hillsboro moving north to Highway 26 than 185th Ave and Cornelius Pass Road can handle. Developing the Amber Glen area will only make things worse. One of the proposed solutions is to extend 194th Ave North,over Hwy 26, dumping onto Rock Creek Blvd so traffic can then feed from Rock Creek to 185th, and then to the “underutilized on-ramp” from southbound 185th Ave to Hwy 26 east.
Friends Of Rock Creek attended City of Hillsboro Planning Commission meetings to assert our standing as representatives of the Rock Creek neighborhood, and received assurance that we would be actively involved in the planning process to make sure our concerns were addressed.
The Planning Commission decided to move forward with the Amber Glen development with the understanding that an Interchange Area Management Plan (IAMP) would be adopted. Hillsboro, Washington County, ODOT, and other stakeholders (FORC) were to work together to make sure that our voices would be heard and Hillsboro’s problem would not be solved in the most expedient fashion, without regard for the affected community.
The IAMP was never formed.
The Hillsboro Planning Manager, Colin Cooper, recently contacted FORC seeking a letter of support for a traffic study, so he could obtain a grant for that study. The FORC Board of Directors does not feel that we can support such a study; without public oversight or representation in the process via the IAMP, there is no way to verify the conclusions are accurate.
FORC co-chair Terry Krause, who has extensive experience in this area, responded to Mr. Cooper’s request. The complete letter makes for very interesting reading. FORC will remain active in this process to assure the Rock Creek community is not targeted to solve Hillsboro’s traffic woes.

Friends of Rock Creek Successful – June 2009

With the knowledge that their application would not be successful, the owners of the Rock Creek Country Club requested that the text amendment be removed from the Washington County Commission work plan. This does not mean that they have given up. The owners of the golf course have way too much invested in this to walk away.The text amendment tactic was the easiest way for them to go, and the cheapest, and it almost worked. Now they know the community here is united and is a force to be reckoned with.
The Friends of Rock Creek will continue to monitor all local government activity that could negatively impact the Rock Creek neighborhoods. We might have to ask for your active support again when the golf course owners, who are well-funded, well-connected, and have way too much at stake to give up easily, make another run at removing the open space overlay designation.
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Community Meeting Recap – May 31, 2009

There were enough chairs to go around this time, but the Lenox School gym was full of concerned residents as the Friend Of Rock Creek updated the community on what has been happening over the past few months.
Commissioners Andy Duyck and Desari Strader spoke of their continued support for the community of Rock Creek, and residents responded in kind. We are well represented by Commissioner Strader, and the continued support of Commissioner Duyck, when we are not even in his district, proves that we are in the right.
Long-time resident, and the first person to sell homes in this “new” development Fred Hoene offered some perspective on the origins of Rock Creek, the role that the golf course played in the early marketing of the properties here, and the quality of life this neighborhood has maintained since its inception nearly 4 decades ago. “Country Club Living” was the sales pitch, and it is as true today as it was then.
Now, in the face of developers, a county looking for more tax revenue, a parks system hungry for more land, and a regional government reluctant to expand the Urban Growth Boundary, the fight to preserve open space in Rock Creek will be heated and drawn-out. There is big money at stake for the developers, so they will not go away without a fight. So far, we have just seen a quiet squabble. The fight is coming, and we have to be ready.
Paul Pilat, Terry Krause, Roger Gray, and our attorney met with a representative of the country club and their attorneys. In that meeting, Friends Of Rock Creek stated and restated our interest in engaging in discussions with the golf course owners regarding establishing and maintaining a sustainable golf club. At the meeting we were given no assurances that the owners were willing to talk about a commitment to operate the golf course long term without talking about some kind of development.
Friends of Rock Creek, Inc. is organized as a nonprofit community organization devoted primarily to preserving the community’s traditions, land use, zoning, and open space designations by representing it before local legislature and administrative agencies that have authority over such matters. The goal of the corporation is maintain and enhance the quality of life in the Rock Creek Community.
To maintain and enhance the quality of life in the Rock Creek Community. Our activities have extended beyond simply fighting for the open space overlay and the preservation of the golf course. Terry Krause and Ryan Hurlbert teamed up with CPO7 representative Mary Beth Cottle to meet with Hillsboro Transportation Planning Engineer Don Odermott to provide input into future road and access development into, around, and through our community as part of the required transportation planning process related to the Amberglen Master Plan, which is being finalized this summer for a fall review and approval by ODOT and the City of Hillsboro. You can read more about the Amberglen plan here.
Ken Tehaar has been monitoring developments in neighboring communities, and reporting on the impact decisions made in those communities will have on Rock Creek. Of particular interest in recent months are the ongoing battles over who will pay for system development and infrastructure for the expansion and development of North Bethany. Please look at his presentation for details on how development there will affect traffic flows in Rock Creek and the cost of development elsewhere. To start learning more about the North Bethany Plan, click here .
We are a non-profit, and our books are open to any contributor who would like to see them. Contact Leroy Bentley, our Treasurer, to make arrangements to view the books. You can rest assured that every penny we spend is directly related to our mission. The Board of Directors is made up entirely of volunteers, and there are no paid staff positions. Only our attorney gets paid for his work, and if there was a way to get him for free we would do it! We dont re-direct contributions to any other projects, although requests have come in for everything from snow removal to sidewalk repair.
Finally, in an effort to better serve the greater community at large, we will be posting notices and links for other activities and meetings for CPO7, the Rock Creek Community Association, and the surrounding communities on our events page to keep everyone informed.

County Commisioners Support Our Effort – September 2008

On September 16, 2008, county commissioner Desarai Strader convinced fellow commissioner Andy Duyck to join her in attending a community meeting the Friends Of Rock Creek were holding. It was very hot in the Lennox School gym, but it got really hot for Andy Duyck, as residents of the Rock Creek neighborhood took full advantage of Commissioner Duyck’s presence to make him understand that we were not a collection of houses around a golf course. We were a community built around a golf course, and destroying that open space would destroy the very fabric of Rock Creek.
Andy listened, and became a staunch supporter of maintaining the open space and was instrumental in getting the country club to withdraw their request for the text amendment. Without the support of Desarai Strader and Andy Duyck, Friends Of Rock Creek could have very well lost the first round in our fight to preserve the open space.
Desarai Strader has chosen not to defend her seat on the Washington County Commission, and Commissioner Andy Duyck has decided to run for the Commission Chair. Friends Of Rock Creek ask that anyone who lives in this neighborhood take a look at how supportive Commissioner Duyck has been of us in the past, and take this into account when voting.